EUROGEO Annual Conference 2021

“Sustainable Development Goals for all“ EUROGEO and UNED contributes to the important UN aim, SDGs.

- The international conference will aim to address cross-cutting issues such as How do geographers respond to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
- How do universities and companies respond?
- Do technologies and open data help to achieve SDGs?
- How can we understand problems and ecosocial challenges that we face in the situation of Global Change?
Is it possible to explore ways of transforming towards the sustainability of socio-ecological systems, using educational contexts and resources?

Conceptual frameworks and strategies that contribute to the construction of societies in which human welfare and the care of nature are the basis.

Contenido de la serie

"Wellcome Ceremony"

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Rosa María Martín Aranda
vicerrector of Research, UNED
José Manuel Maillo Fernández
vice Dean of Research and International Relations, Faculty of Geography and History, UNED
Michael E. Meadows
president of the International Geographical Union (IGU), University of Cape Town, South Africa
Rafael de Miguel González
presidente de la asociación de geógrafos europeos, EUROGEO
María Luisa de Lázaro
conference organizer and General Secretary of EUROGEO, UNED

"Closing ceremony"

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Laura Alba Juez
vicerector of Internationalization, UNED
Rafael de Miguel González
presidente de la asociación de geógrafos europeos, EUROGEO
María Luisa de Lázaro y Torres
profesora del departamento de Geografía, UNED




Keynotes presentations

"Geography: Origin of the Complexity of The Food System"

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Yvonne Colomer Xena
Triptolemos, UNESCO-UNED-Fundación Triptolemos Fundation
Rosa María Martín Aranda
vicerrector of Research, UNED

"Shaping the Future of Quality Education in Geography"

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Julia María González Ferreras
president of Education for an Interdependent World, Brussels
Gerry O’Reilly

"SDGs in the Classroom: GIS Learning Resources and Data"

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Michael Gould
ESRI and Jaume I University.
Rafael de Miguel González
presidente de la asociación de geógrafos europeos, EUROGEO





"Open Educational Resources of Geography from the National Geographic Institute"

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Ana Velasco Tirado
web Developer Manager, IGN-CNIG Spain
Celia Sevilla Sánchez
head of International Projects, IGN-CNIG Spain




PANEL SESSION: Geography and Memory: Places of Memory and Legacies – in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization

"Places of Memory and Legacies – in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization (Trajectory from research to book publication, Springer, 2020)"

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Gerry O'Reilly
School of History and Geography, Dublin City University, Ireland

"Nowhere to Pay Our Respects’: Constructing Memorials for The Irish Dead of World War I in the Republic of Ireland, 2006-2018"

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Jonathan Cherry
School of History and Geography, Dublin City University, Ireland

"Cultural Geographies of Gallipoli: Commemorations and Identity"

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Yilmaz Ari
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Department of Geography, Bandırma, Balıkesir, Turkey

"From the Great War to Interwar Fortifications: Changing Narratives Attached to the Military Landscape in Western Slovenia"

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Peter Kumer
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia

"Encounters Between Islam and Christianity: Mohács and Kosovo Polje "

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Norbert Pap
Department of Political Geography, Regional and Development Studies, University of Pécs, Hungary
Peter Remenyi
Department of Political Geography, Regional and Development Studies, University of Pécs, Hungary

"Of Borders and Memories, Erased Boundaries in the Land of Israel "

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Tal Yaar
Oranim College of Education, Israel

"Inclusive Heritage, Conflict Commemoration and the Centenary of World War One in Northern Ireland"

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Keith Lilley
Queen's University Belfast
Rachel tracey
Queen's University Belfast

"Gibraltar: Recovery and Memorialisation of the First World War in the 21st Century "

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Jennifer Ballantine Perera
Gibraltar Garrison Library and University of Gibraltar

"Exploring Places of Memory and Their Legacies: Self-directed Learning, Activities and Questions for Reflection and Revision "

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Ruth McManus
Dublin City University, Ireland


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PANEL SESSION: Geographical Naming as Critical Content in Geography Education

"Geographical Naming in Northeast Asia: Sustaining Cultural Traditions"

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Joseph Stoltman
professor Emeritus, Western, Michigan University, USA
Nina Scholten
University of Hamburg

"The Validity of Critical Toponymy Perspectives for an Understanding of Human Perception on Places” by Dr. Sungjae Choo (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)"

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Sungjae Choo
Kyung Hee University, South Korea




PANEL SESSION: Digital Humanities: Needs and Perspectives

"Open Source Geotechnologies for Teaching Cultural Heritage. The Case of Toledo (Spain)"

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Carmen García Martínez
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Juan Antonio García González
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Irene Sánchez Ondoño
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

"Travel Experience in the Middle Ages and Story Maps"

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Vladimir Aleksić
University of Niš, Serbia

"Tell your Story. Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development"

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Paola Zamperlin
Dept. CFS, University of Pisa
Margherita Azzari
Dept. SAGAS , University of Florence

"Professional Challenges in Digital Humanities: Empirical Insight (HUM@N)"

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Tatjana Resnik Planinc
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marko Krevs
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lea Rebernik
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia




EUROGEO Project Presentations

"Geo-projects and Innovation in Education"

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Karl Donert
vice-President of EUROGEO

"My Story Map: how to tell a life story"

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Luc Zwartjes
vice-President of EUROGEO, Ghent University (Belgium)

"GI-Pedagogy: Innovative Pedagogies for Teaching with Geoinformation"

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Michaela Linder-Fally
vice-President of EUROGEO
Sophie Wilson
Institute of Education, St Mary's University, Twickenham (UK)






Goal 2. Zero hunger

Goal 3. Good health and well-being

Goal 4. Quality education

Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation

Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth

Goal 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 11. Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 12. Responsible consumption and production

Goal 13. Climate action

Goal 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Goal 17. Partnership for the goals