Open Source Geotechnologies for Teaching Cultural Heritage. The Case of Toledo (Spain)

Fecha: 23 abr 2021
Visto: 14 veces

Geotechnologies occupy an increasingly wide and diverse space in our society. Its implementation in educational environments is growing at all levels, especially in higher education, and in a wide variety of disciplines. The field of Humanities and the management of cultural heritage are some of the sectors where its use is becoming most widespread. The multiple, heterogeneous, and unspecific offer of geoinformation opens up great possibilities for learning and new opportunities for analysis for future specialists in cultural heritage, despite difficulties in both its management and its approach. An exploratory analysis is presented on open georeferenced information sources that facilitate the management of cultural heritage from a spatial perspective. The research is applied to the study of the historic city of Toledo, which is a world heritage site. The study forms part of a European project that aims to value Geosciences in Higher Education.

Licencia: Copyright (Licencia propietaria)
  • Carmen García Martínez University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
  • Juan Antonio García González University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
  • Irene Sánchez Ondoño University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

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