Shaping the Future of Quality Education in Geography

Fecha: 22 abr 2021
Visto: 16 veces

Which is the contribution of geographical education to tomorrow's citizens? Which is the profile of the professional who can facilitate effective and relevant learning and is prepared to foster the sustainable development goals, its targets and commitments? How can global citizenship and the appreciation of cultural diversity can be further developed? Which is the road towards a relevant education reaching beyond knowledge and skills to values and attitudes which turn into commitments, informed decisions and are able to inspire active roles in society both at local and global level?
Since teachers are key to achieve change and will have an important role in achieving the sustainable development goals, the talk will focus on the elements that can make a difference in the training and motivation of professionally specialised teachers, particularly in challenged areas of the world.

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  • Julia María González Ferreras president of Education for an Interdependent World, Brussels
  • Gerry O’Reilly

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