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Wellcome Ceremony
Closing ceremony
Geography: Origin of the Complexity of The Food System
Shaping the Future of Quality Education in Geography
SDGs in the Classroom: GIS Learning Resources and Data
Open Educational Resources of Geography from the National Geographic Institute
Places of Memory and Legacies – in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization (Trajectory from research to book publication, Springer, 2020)
Nowhere to Pay Our Respects’: Constructing Memorials for The Irish Dead of World War I in the Republic of Ireland, 2006-2018
Cultural Geographies of Gallipoli: Commemorations and Identity
From the Great War to Interwar Fortifications: Changing Narratives Attached to the Military Landscape in Western Slovenia
Encounters Between Islam and Christianity: Mohács and Kosovo Polje
Of Borders and Memories, Erased Boundaries in the Land of Israel
Inclusive Heritage, Conflict Commemoration and the Centenary of World War One in Northern Ireland
Gibraltar: Recovery and Memorialisation of the First World War in the 21st Century
Exploring Places of Memory and Their Legacies: Self-directed Learning, Activities and Questions for Reflection and Revision
Geographical Naming in Northeast Asia: Sustaining Cultural Traditions
The Validity of Critical Toponymy Perspectives for an Understanding of Human Perception on Places” by Dr. Sungjae Choo (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)
Open Source Geotechnologies for Teaching Cultural Heritage. The Case of Toledo (Spain)
La visión de la historia hispana de Fernao Lópes
Historia Contemporanea. Orientaciones sobre la Asignatura
La obra de Ibn Jaldún como fuente de conocimientos
La magia en el Mundo Antiguo
Geomorfología climática
La noche de San Bartolomé (1572)
Los fenicios
Recomendaciones metodológicas para el estudio de la Historia del Arte Antiguo
Prehistoria, concepto y método
La Primera Crónica General
La civilización egipcia
Los grandes espacios del mundo desarrollado
Otro centenario: La muerte de Hideyosei (1598)
Orientaciones sobre la Asignatura Historia Contemporánea de España
Uso y abuso del agua en España
Renacimiento y Barroco
Arte rupestre paleolítico en la Península Ibérica (I)
Análisis de las Crónicas hebreas de la Baja Edad Media
Los validos en la monarquía española
Religión y religiosidad en la Hispania romana