Tell your Story. Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development

Visto: 8 veces

The paper focuses on a training course experience on the conscious use of digital technologies for Global Citizenship Education. The course was designed for undergraduate students with the aim of reflecting on the goals of the sustainable development agenda and looking at them as the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. In this framework, teachers prompted students to reflect on whether and how technologies help shape conscious citizenship. Students used a particular technology to tell stories (storymapping), where facts, ideas, and knowledge were always connected to place and space on a map. The possibility of expressing themselves through cartography, a profoundly visual and analytical document, at the same time facilitates students to reflect on the link between human agency and geography. The storymaps produced by students started from specific case studies to highlight the relationship between the chosen sustainable goal and the response of technology (exploiting the potential of teamwork and collaborative learning). The paper examines, through the analysis of storymaps, the students' degree of awareness regarding the global challenges identified by Agenda 2030, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, education and justice.

Paola Zamperlin Dept. CFS, University of Pisa

Margherita Azzari Dept. SAGAS , University of Florence

Videos de la serie ( Ver listado de videos )
17 abr. 2021
17 abr. 2021