Programa de Doctorado de Sistemas Inteligentes 2018-2019

Contenido de la serie

7 nov. 2018

Jornada de inauguración del curso 2018/19 en el programa de doctorado de Sistemas Inteligentes

"Conferencia: Your PhD and you"

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Julián Urbano
Tudelft, Holanda

"Orientaciones sobre el Programa de Doctorado "

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Luis Manuel Sarro Baro
profesor Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, ETSI Informática, UNED

19 feb. 2019

"Seminario Karin Verspoor"

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Karin Verpoor
Bioinformatics, University of Melbourne

10 jun. 2019

Panel 1: Diagnosis, Planning and control, Robotics and Artificial Vision

"Development of a System based on Ontologies and Machine Learning Methods to Support the Early Detection of MCI"

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Alba Gómez-Valades Batanero

"An Integrated Environment for the Development of Affective Robot Tutors"

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Luis- Eduardo Imbernón cuadrado

"Expert System for the Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Personality and its Disorders"

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José David García Franco

"Robot Localization using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons RSSI measures"

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David Obregón Castellanos

"Probabilistic forecasting models for NO2 concentrations"

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Sebastián Pérez

"Optimization of Human Emotion Estimation Methodologies for Human Robot Interactions"

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Mikel Val Calvo

"Ponencia de Nathanaël Jarrassé"

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Nathanaël Jarrassé
Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, of the Sorbonne Université, Paris
Panel 2: Intelligent access to multiligual and multimedia information & Teaching/Learning: collaboration and adaptation

"Representing the whole patient: advances, opportunities, and challenges for natural language processing in electronic for health records"

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Karin Vespoor
School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Australia

"A Proposal for Information Retrieval Based on the Semantic Similarity between Sentences: A Reproducible Study in the Biomedical Domain"

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Alicia Lara Clares

"Gaussian Mixture Impact Driven by PLSA Models"

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Julián Cendrero Almodovar

" ICD-10 Coding as an Extrem Classification Problem"

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Mario Almagro Cádiz

"An Adaptive Ubiquitous Application to Support Home-based Visual Training for Low Vision Children"

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Yolanda Matas Martín

"A Robotics Learning Environment for a Physics Laboratory in Secondary Schools with Support to Teachers"

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Samantha Orlando