Metropolitan Intimacies. A Book Launch

Fecha: 17 nov 2022
Visto: 186 veces

- Introduction: María Moreno Carranco.
- Comments about Metropolitan Intimacies:
· Orvar Löfgren (Lund University).
· Martha Radice (Dalhousie University).
· María Moreno Carranco (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México / TU Berlin).
- Reply from the author (Francisco Cruces, UNED).
- Q & A with the audience.

Metropolitan Intimacies: An Ethnography on the Poetics of Daily Life examines intimacy and meaning-making in metropolitan residents’ daily lives. This ethnography based on rich micro-stories situates life poetics amongst other metropolitan processes in three major cities—Madrid, Montevideo, and Mexico City—to reveal the complex meanings around modern urbanity.

Licencia: Copyright (Licencia propietaria)
  • Orvar Löfgren profesor emérito, Lund University
  • Martha Radice profesora, Dalhousie University
  • María Moreno Carranco profesora, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México
  • Francisco Cruces Villalobos profesor del Departamento Antropología Social y Cultural, UNED