Metropolitan Intimacies. A Book Launch

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- Introduction: María Moreno Carranco.
- Comments about Metropolitan Intimacies:
· Orvar Löfgren (Lund University).
· Martha Radice (Dalhousie University).
· María Moreno Carranco (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México / TU Berlin).
- Reply from the author (Francisco Cruces, UNED).
- Q & A with the audience.

Metropolitan Intimacies: An Ethnography on the Poetics of Daily Life examines intimacy and meaning-making in metropolitan residents’ daily lives. This ethnography based on rich micro-stories situates life poetics amongst other metropolitan processes in three major cities—Madrid, Montevideo, and Mexico City—to reveal the complex meanings around modern urbanity.

Orvar Löfgren profesor emérito, Lund University

Martha Radice profesora, Dalhousie University

María Moreno Carranco profesora, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México

Francisco Cruces Villalobos profesor del Departamento Antropología Social y Cultural, UNED