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Song Translation in the Audiovisual Context: to train or nor to train?
TRADIT23 Conference
Turno de Preguntas DAT pronunciation
PluriTAV Research Project. Quasi- experimental Study of the Application of a Didactic Sequence Focused on the Development of the Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence
AVT as a Viable Technique in Literature in Language Education: A Modest Proposal
Bilingual Subtitling in the Streaming Media: Pedagogical Implications
Design of an Innovative Instrument Based on SDH to Improve the Communicative Language Competence
Passive AD as a Language Self-learning tool: Responding to Learners’ Needs Outside the Foreign Language Classroom
An Empirical study on the Proficiency of Audiovisual Programmes on Chinese students’ Autonomous English learning
Accessibility and Language Teaching: The Use of Respeaking
Using Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in English Language Acquisition