What is VISIR? Advantages of the usage of a remote laboratory in Secondary School
VISIR is a remote laboratory, originally created by Ingvaar Gustavsson and his team. Its name corresponds to the acronym Virtual Instrument System in Reality. VISIR is a system equipped with instrumentation based on a National Semiconductor NXI platform, a controller board and a relay switching matrix. Besides, a software developed in LabView has been developed to drive the system. The whole system has been conceived to be used by users not present in the same location that the lab. Thus, any authorized user could use it remotely, being assisted by a web server, a measurement server and a database. All these elements are not seen by the user who is managing the system through an user interface developed in PHP and Adobe Flash. The user may access the interface and elaborate the electric and electronic assemblies.
Manuel Blázquez Merino DIEEC - UNED Collaborator and secondary school teacherFran Alemán Columbrí realizador, UNED Media, UNED
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