EdX MOOC organization about Open Education and OERs repositories
Presentation of the main activities, works and results done for the creation, organization and delivery of a MOOC through the IEEEx channel in EdX. The MOOC development involved 10 researchers from 5 different Universities (UNED, UPM, Vigo University, Miguel Hernandez University and Northumbria University) and 3 video studios for the recordings (UNED, Vigo and Northumbria University). The MOOC topic was "Foundations to Open Education and OERs repositories".
Licencia: Copyright (Licencia propietaria)
Manuel Alonso Castro Gil catedrático de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Control, UNEDEdmundo Tovar Caro profesor Ingeniería del Software, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPMSergio Martín Gutiérrez profesor titular Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica, Ctrol., telemat. ETSII, UNED
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