La compra de arte y antigüedades en la Italia del siglo XVIII / Buying Art and Antiquities in Eighteenth-Century Italy

Contenido de la serie

4 nov. 2021

First Session- Agents and art markets

"Cavaceppi – sculptor, restorer, dealer, publisher and forger"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 45 veces
Sascha Kansteiner
curator of Greek and Roman sculpture, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

"The Pope, the Curator, the Milord, and his Dealer: Rome's Red-Hot Antiquities Market in Theory and in Practice"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 21 veces
Jeffrey Laird Collins
professor of Art History and Material Culture, (Bard Graduate Center, NY)

"Appunti per una storia del mercato dell’arte nel Settecento veneziano"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 27 veces
Heiner Krellig
independent scholar, Venice- Berlin

"Il mercato di antichità nel Regno di Napoli nel XVIII secolo: quadro normativo e alcuni casi esemplari"

Vídeo  |   Italiano  |  Visto: 21 veces
Paola D’Alconzo
Universidad de Nápoles Federico II

"Quattro quadri dipinti per il traverso dipinti in tavola”: El redescubrimiento de Sandro Botticelli y la adquisición de las spalliere del Palazzo Pucci."

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 74 veces
Alexandre Vico Martori
Universidad de Gerona

"Debate de la First Session- Agents and art markets"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 22 veces
Alexandre Vico Martori
Universidad de Gerona
Paola D’Alconzo
Universidad de Nápoles Federico II
Heiner Krellig
independent scholar, Venice- Berlin
Jeffrey Laird Collins
professor of Art History and Material Culture, (Bard Graduate Center, NY)
Sascha Kansteiner
curator of Greek and Roman sculpture, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

11 nov. 2021

Second Session- Agents and art markets II

"Philipp von Stosch (1691-1757) and his dominant position in terms of trade, collecting and research of engraved gems in the eighteenth-century Italy"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 31 veces
Paweł Gołyźniak
Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University

"Isabel de Farnesio, Filippo Juvarra, and the Modern Interior at La Granja"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 45 veces
Tara Zanardi
Hunter College of the City University of New York

"Troiano Acquaviva y el mercado artístico romano: un agente al servicio de los reyes de España y Nápoles."

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 30 veces
Mercedes Simal
Profesora de Historia del Arte, Universidad de Jaén

"The State Hermitage Museum, Russian buyers of antique and modern gems in the Italian art market in the second half of the 18th century."

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 21 veces
Elena Dmitrieva
Department of the Classical Antiquities, The State Hermitage Museum

"“Italy, garden of the world”…or “jardin à l’anglaise” ? British supremacy on the Italian antic art market through the 18th century."

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 29 veces
Odile Boubakeur
Ecole du Louvre / Université Paris-Saclay

"Debate de la Second Session- Agents and art markets II"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 37 veces
Odile Boubakeur
Ecole du Louvre / Université Paris-Saclay
Elena Dmitrieva
Department of the Classical Antiquities, The State Hermitage Museum
Mercedes Simal
Profesora de Historia del Arte, Universidad de Jaén
Tara Zanardi
Hunter College of the City University of New York
Paweł Gołyźniak
Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University

18 nov. 2021

Third Session – Collectors and their collections

"Alessandro Albani and European Practices of Collecting and Display in the Era of the Grand Tour."

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 4 veces
Tracy L. Ehrlich
associate Teaching Professor (Parsons School of Design, The New School, NY

"Dispersing a collection in 18th-century Italy: the paintings and statues of the Cybo Malaspina family."

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 11 veces
Fabrizio Federici
independent scholar

"An examination of the art collecting of the first baron Cawdor."

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 6 veces
John E. Davies
FRHistS, former County Archivist Carmarthenshire Archive Service, independent scholar

"Debate de la primera parte de la Third Session"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 4 veces
John E. Davies
FRHistS, former County Archivist Carmarthenshire Archive Service, independent scholar
Fabrizio Federici
independent scholar
Tracy L. Ehrlich
associate Teaching Professor (Parsons School of Design, The New School, NY

"The King is Dead, Long Live the King’s Things: The Transformation of Private Pleasures into Public Propaganda in Gustav III of Sweden’s Museum of Antiquities"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 9 veces
Theresa Kutasz Christensen
Exhibitions Researcher, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Baltimore Museum of Art, USA

"The Russian Grand Tour: sculptures purchased by Count and Countess of the North in Rome in 1782"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 13 veces
Alexander V. Kruglov
independent scholar, NY

"Debate de la Third Session – Collectors and their collections"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 10 veces
Alexander V. Kruglov
independent scholar, NY
Theresa Kutasz Christensen
Exhibitions Researcher, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, Baltimore Museum of Art, USA

23 nov. 2021

Fourth Session – Collectors and collections

"Grand Tour Pickings. Antiquities for Georgian Gothic Houses"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 7 veces
Daniela Roberts
assistant professor at the Institute of Art History, University of Würzburg

"Bringing Rome Home: Souvenirs and gifts for Crown Prince Friedrich Christian of Saxony/Poland during his sojourn in the Eternal City, 1738-1739"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 17 veces
Maureen Cassidy-Geiger
independent scholar, USA

"El Grand Tour del VI conde de Fernán Núñez: un ejemplo de cultura cortesana en la Europa de la Ilustración"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 62 veces
José Antonio Vigara Zafra
profesor de Historia del Arte, UNED

"Gems never seen before: William Hamilton, Vesuvius and the rising taste for precious marble in Europe c. 1770"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 21 veces
Domenico Pino
University College London

"From Rome to London. Expertise, dealer and buyer for "Two antique hands""

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 11 veces
Ginevra Odone
Université de Lorraine (FR) / La Sapienza Università di Roma (IT) / Society for the History of Collecting – Italian Chapter,

"Debate Fourth Session – Collectors and collections "

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 27 veces
Ginevra Odone
Université de Lorraine (FR) / La Sapienza Università di Roma (IT) / Society for the History of Collecting – Italian Chapter,
Domenico Pino
University College London
José Antonio Vigara Zafra
profesor de Historia del Arte, UNED
Maureen Cassidy-Geiger
independent scholar, USA
Daniela Roberts
assistant professor at the Institute of Art History, University of Würzburg

2 dic. 2021

Fifth Session – Works of art

"Commemorating Italy?: The Walpole and Brand Cabinets as Grand Tour Souvenirs of Elsewhere"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 6 veces
Alexis R. Culotta
professor of practice, Tulane University (USA)

"Forgeries in the 18th Century and Classical Art: a methodological conundrum."

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 26 veces
David Ojeda Nogales
profesor ayudante doctor, departamento de Historia del Arte, UNED

"Sobre un torso masculino con indumentaria militar en el Museo del Prado"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 11 veces
Julio Cesar Ruiz
Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona

"La felloplastica napoletana nel XVIII secolo tra scenografie presepiali, souvenirs del Grand Tour e rappresentazioni naturalistiche"

Vídeo  |   Italiano  |  Visto: 21 veces
Lorenzo Ebanista
independent scholar

" Between a souvenir and archeological documentation: The cork model of the Paestum temple in the chancellor Metternich‘s collection"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 5 veces
Eliška Petřeková
Masaryk University Brno

"Debate de la Fifth Session – Works of art"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 12 veces
Alexis R. Culotta
professor of practice, Tulane University (USA)
David Ojeda Nogales
profesor ayudante doctor, departamento de Historia del Arte, UNED
Julio Cesar Ruiz
Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona
Lorenzo Ebanista
independent scholar
Eliška Petřeková
Masaryk University Brno