I Moonlite Multiplier Event: Moocs for university teaching and supporting refugees

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23 nov. 2018

"Welcome: I Moonlite multiplier event: MOOCs for university teaching and supporting refugees"

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Timothy Read
vicerrector adjunto de Metodología e Innovación Tecnológica, UNED

"Presentation of the MOONLITE project and its outputs"

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Jorge Arús-Hita
profesor de Lengua y Lingüística Inglesa, UCM, Spain
Beatriz Sedano Cuevas
investigadora UNED. profesora de Español como Lengua Extranjera

"Open Education Passports and Micro Credentials for refugees and migrants"

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Ildiko Mazar
Education Quality Institute, Estonia

"Kiron Educational Model and Quality Assurance for MOOC-based curricula"

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María Bloecher
Kiron, Germany

24 nov. 2018

"Inclusive by design: how MOOCs have the potential to reach people in ways other online courses do not"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 23 veces
Kate Borthwick
University of Southampton, UK

"A tool for institutions for quantifying the costs & benefits of Open Education"

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Anthony Camilleri

"Workshop on how to design a socially inclusive MOOC"

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Elena Martín Monje
profesora del Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas, Facultad de Filología, UNED
Timothy Read
vicerrector adjunto de Metodología e Innovación Tecnológica, UNED

"Moonlite Multiplier event: MOOCs for university teaching and supporting refugees: Question Time"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 7 veces