Using ICT to Teach Linguistic Competences in a cross-disciplinary context (ITeLiCo)
This course will illustrate the audience about how to work with linguistics competences from a cross-disciplinary point of view.
The training activity “Teaching Linguistic, Intercultural and Entrepreneurial Competences in a cross-disciplinary ICT context”, is developed in the frame of the European ERASMUS + Project COLISEE (COmpétences Linguistiques et Interculturelles au Service des Entreprises en Europa = Linguistic and Intercultural Competences at the service of European Companies). The project is led by the University of Montpellier (France). UNED (Spain) is one of the partners, and the promoter of this training initiative.
The training activity is been coordinated by Ana María Martín-Cuadrado (IUED, UNED) and Carlos Cerrada Somolinos (UNED), and consists of four courses:
1. Teaching Linguistic, Intercultural and Entrepreneurial Competences in a cross-disciplinary ICT context: General Training (TeLIEC).
2. Using ICT to Teach Entrepreneurial Competences in a cross-disciplinary context (ITECo).
3. Using ICT to Teach Intercultural Competences in a cross-disciplinary context (ITICo).
4. Using ICT to Teach Linguistic Competences in a cross-disciplinary context (ITeLiCo).
The first course is considered nuclear; the remainder are considered specific. Some suggestions for participation:
Completion of the four courses, and in the order listed, so you can choose the full certificate (1 ECTS);
Completion of the first course and one of more of the specific courses. A certificate of participation will be obtained for each of the taken courses.
At this time, you can read information about Teaching Linguistic, Intercultural and Entrepreneurial Competences in a cross-disciplinary ICT context: General Training (TeLIEC).
Unlimited number of teachers, teacher to be, etc.
All teachers interested in updating his/her technological skills to teach online. Priority will be given to those working on the three key competences (linguistic, intercultural and entrepreneurial).
María Jordano de la Torre. Faculty of Filology. UNED. España
David Cons Couselo. IUED. UNED. España
To show the audience efficient ways to plan your online course individually and in collaboration
To set up the basis of the specific modules of the the specific modules of this MOOC
Each module will be complemented by the use of a presentation and a full range of guided activities to acquire the contents in a better way
Competencia digital, área informacional, navegación, búsqueda y filtrado de información, evaluación de la información, almacenamiento y recuperación de la información
María Jordano de la Torre profesora de la Facultad de Filología, UNEDJosé Luis de la Calle Muñoz realizador UNED Media, UNED
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