Student dropouts in distance education - how many, who, when,what are the consequences for them, why they dropout and how do we reduce dropout?

Fecha de grabación: 3 nov 2016
Visto: 436 veces

Ormond Simpson is a consultant in distance education, specialising in student support and retention. He has worked in distance education for nearly 40 years, at the UK Open University, London University International Programmes, and the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. and he has given seminars workshops and keynote lectures in many places.
In this conference, he approaches the problem of student drop out in distance education and suggests some ideas for discussion about what that appropriate support might

Presents: Ángeles Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua. Faculty of Psychology. Chair of the Student Support Group. EMPOWER. EADTU

Licencia: Copyright (Licencia propietaria)
  • Ormond Simpson consultor en Educación a Distancia