LINHD - The digital Humanities Innovation Lab at UNED

TNA Conferences's Day. Semana de la Ciencia 2022.

Contenido de la serie

10 nov. 2022

"Metaphorical patterns across discourse of crises: towards an integration between a manual and an automatic procedure for metaphor detection and interpretation"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 13 veces
Dario Del Fante.
Researcher, University of Ferrara

"Manuscript tradition of Breviloquium de virtutibus by John of Wales: a quantitative exploration of codicological data"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 7 veces
Svetlana Yatsyk
Research Fellow at CIHAM, CNRS

"Macedonian Poetry Corpus"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 3 veces
Nikolche Mickoski
Research Associate , Lexicographic Centre, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts

26 sept. 2023

"#Online Memories: Memory Conflicts in Social Media. A Twitter Data Analysis. Brasil"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 2 veces
Vicente da Silveira Detoni
investigador predoctoral en Historia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)/Brazil