Free Project. EU expert training

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31 may. 2022

FREE Project EU Expert training sessions: Oldenburg University

"Welcome and inauguration"

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Fernando Val
vice-chancellor for International Projects, UNED

"Oldenburg University: Profiling Perspectives on Gender Concepts I"

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Pia Schlechter
Sylvia Pritsch

"Oldenburg University: Profiling Perspectives on Gender Concepts II"

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Pia Schlechter
Sylvia Pritsch

"Consortium meeting: Management and final justification"

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1 jun. 2022

FREE Project EU Expert training sessions: UNED

"Round table: Sustainability and gender academic collaboration I"

Intervención de Rosa Martín Aranda
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Rosa María Martín Aranda
vicerrector of Research, UNED

"Round table: Sustainability and gender academic collaboration II"

intervención de Ana Zamorano
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Ana Zamorano Rueda
coordinadora del Máster en Estudios de Género. Profesora de la Facultad de Filología, UNED

"Round table: Sustainability and gender academic collaboration III"

Intervención de Sofia Tirado
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Sofía Tirado Sartí
investigadora posdoctoral Cátedra Aquae de Economía del Agua

"Consortium meeting: Jordan Conference organisation"

Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 3 veces

2 jun. 2022

FREE Project EU Expert training sessions: Vilnius Tech

"How to Organise a Successful International Conference Online?"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 5 veces
Viktorija Skvarciany
vice Dean of Business Management Faculty, VT
Indrė Lapinskaitė
director of Dynamic Management Institute, VT

"Organising Online Conference: Challenges and Opportunities"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 1 vez
Viktorija Skvarciany
vice Dean of Business Management Faculty, VT
Indrė Lapinskaitė
director of Dynamic Management Institute, VT

"Consortium meeting: Follow up on Jordan Conference organisation"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 0 veces

3 jun. 2022

FREE Project EU Expert training sessions: Alicante University

"Gender research at the University of Alicante: actions, programmes and challenges"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 2 veces
Helena Establier
Universidad de Alicante

"Equality Observatory: The commitment of the UA with the introduction of the gender perspective in teaching"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 4 veces
Naïma Benaicha Ziani
prof. Department of Modern Languages/Arab & Islamic Studies & Project Manager, OGPI-UA

"FREE project impact guide: Publication on Gender Equity and Sustainability among MR-HEIs, as well as developing cases on Female Academic Role Models in HEI"

Vídeo  |   Español  |  Visto: 5 veces
Naïma Benaicha Ziani
prof. Department of Modern Languages/Arab & Islamic Studies & Project Manager, OGPI-UA