OOFHEC2019: the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference

Contenido de la serie

16 oct. 2019


"Opening session"

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Ricardo Mairal Usón
rector, UNED
Liz Marr
president of EADTU, Pro-Vice Chancelor Students, the Open University, Milton Keynes
Stefaan Hermans
director Policy, Strategy and Evaluation, DG EAC, European Commission, Brussels
1st Block

"The strategic plan 2019-2022: main challenges and European collaboration"

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Ricardo Mairal Usón
rector, UNED

"Main challenges of European higher education: heading to the new programme of the European Commission"

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Stefaan Hermans
director Policy, Strategy and Evaluation, DG EAC, European Commission, Brussels
2nd Block

"Future-proofing distance teaching: Key Developments in European Higher Education"

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Liz Marr
president of EADTU, Pro-Vice Chancelor Students, the Open University, Milton Keynes

"The innovation imperative for higher education in Europe"

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Dirk van Damme
senior Counsellor Directorate Education and Skills, OECD, Paris

"Strategies for the future and the role of digital education: the University of Edinburgh"

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Melissa Highton
director Digital Learning, Teaching & Web and Assistant Principal, University of Edinburgh Higher education

"Flexible distance education for future societies: the role of open universities in Europe"

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Theo Bastiaens
rector Magnificus Open University of the Netherlands

17 oct. 2019

Plenary Session

"The European Maturity Model for Blended Education: multi-layer dimensions and assessment"

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Willem van Valkenburg
manager Teaching & Learning Services at TU Delft, President Open Education Consortium

"A roadmap towards personalised learning based on digital technologies and AI at HE: The UNED approach"

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Vídeo  |   Inglés  |  Visto: 133 veces
Jesús González Boticario
Vice-Chancellor of Digitalisaition and Innovation

"Question Time"

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Jesús González Boticario
vicerrector de Digitalización e Innovación, UNED

"Innovative mobility schemes; mapping international collaboration and virtual mobility in Europe"

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George Ubachs
Director gerente de la EADTU

"International collaboration and virtual exchange at the Coimbra Group"

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Francesca Helm
chair of the WG Educational Innovation of the Coimbra Group, University of Padova


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Workshop Pitches

"European Universities and the OpenU hub – a paradigm shift for the European Education Area? "

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Emily Palmer

"The ethics of Artificial Intelligence in distance teaching: Who cares?"

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Jesús González Boticario
vicerrector de Digitalización e Innovación, UNED

"Video in online education: what do you see?"

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Michiel van Oosterzee
Open Universiteit Nederland Heerlen

"Inclusiveness and accessibility: adaptations and services"

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Tiberio Feliz Murias
profesor de la Facultad de Educación (UNED), director del Centro de Atención a Universitarios con Discapacidad (UNIDIS)

"Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a post-digital age"

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Tom Gorman

18 oct. 2019

Plenary Session

"The European Universities Initiative, internationalisation and virtual mobility"

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Maria Gravari-Barbas
vice-President, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris

"The European MOOC Consortium "

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George Ubachs
Director gerente de la EADTU
Catherine Mongenet
Matthew Hodges
Telefónica Educación Digital
Pierpaolo Limone
Università di Foggia

"Implementing gender equality plans in online higher education institutions. Case: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

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Pastora Martinez Samper
vice-President for Globalisation and Cooperation, UOC, Barcelona

"The Message of Madrid, results and challenges at the end of the OOFHEC 2019 Conference"

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Liz Marr
president of EADTU, Pro-Vice Chancelor Students, the Open University, Milton Keynes

"Panel session, reflecting on the Message of Madrid"

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Ricardo Mairal Usón
rector, UNED
Uwe Elsholz
vice-President for Continuing Education, Knowledge Transfer, and International Affairs at the University of Hagen, Germany)
Yves Punie
Deputy Head of Unit at the European Commission Joint Research Centre in Seville

"Closing Announcement 2020"

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Pierpaolo Limone
Università di Foggia
Liz Marr
president of EADTU, Pro-Vice Chancelor Students, the Open University, Milton Keynes