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La UNED en la investigación de los "jaspes" de Espejón
¿Abundaron las falsificaciones en el mercado de obra de arte europeo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial?
Preguntas a la Historia
¡España existe!
Kulturspezifica’in the AVT Classroom: Ethnic and Gender Slur in in German-to-Spanish and German-to-English Subtitling
TRADIT23 Conference
Training Media Accessibility Professionals: An Employability and Knowledge Transfer Experience
Student’s Motivation Results of a Brief Implementation of Translation and Subtitling in English as an L2
Learning specialised vocabulary through subtitling in the context of translation and interpreting training
El ciclo productivo del marmor en la península Ibérica desde la antigüedad (II): Extracción y transporte
Interlingual Subtitle, Intralingual Subtitle, or should both be used?
Reverse Subtitles in Foreign Language Learning: at the Interface between Processing and Learning