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V Congreso Internacional Learning with MOOCs
FV12.2 – Reciclaje de residuos fotovoltaicos y solares. Ciclo de vida - Parte 2
Energía Solar Fotovoltaica
How to access to VISIR practices environment
MOOC - IES Electric Measure
Measuring electric voltage and intensity with VISIR. Level 3 - Practices 5 y 6
What is VISIR? Advantages of the usage of a remote laboratory in Secondary School
An useful strategy to calculate magnitudes in compound circuits. Preparing Level 3 practices
VISIR usage in the measurement of electric magnitudes. Analysis of errors. Level 1 - Practice 1
Review of the practices and new horizons for learning
The methodology applied to practice with visir: Practices structure based on Bloom-Anderson taxonomy
Measuring circuits of resistors connected in series and in parallel . Level 2 - Practices 3 and 4