Presentación de TISLID '18

Technological applications in the field of education, translation and communication studies are an outstandingly growing phenomenon which has changed the landscape of translation, education and learning to an area of continuous innovation. In this area, teachers, students and researchers must be constantly developing their skills and knowledge in order to be up-to-date in the Era of Digital Information and Technologies. In turn, research on language teaching / learning must turn to the analysis and development of technological applications, blended learning approaches and methodologies, and requires computer technicians, programme developers, and teachers and students all over the world to work together. Many of the applications available are oriented towards restricted professional and academic contexts, and they fit the real world demands for language tuition. Along with language learning, computer technologies allow for data and knowledge management of specialized language linguistic domains. The approach of the computer-based teaching and processing of such domains is of paramount importance nowadays in order to handle knowledge and to optimize the process of learning as well as the transfer of accurate information. In this new edition of our TISLID conferences, we bring together scholars on all areas of language technologies with an interest on the new trends, who want to share their new research or keep up to date with the most recent advances in these ever changing areas.

Anna Vermeulen profesora titular de la Universidad de Gante, especialista en traducción audiovisual y miembro del grupo ATLAS (UNED) y MULTIPLES (UGent

Ana Ibáñez Moreno profesora contratada doctora de la UNED, colaboradora en la Universidad de Gante y miembro del grupo ATLAS (UNED) y MULTIPLES (UGent)

María Elena Bárcena Madera coordinadora Grupo Atlas y profesora del Departamento Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas, UNED

Raquel Viejo Montesinos realizadora UNED Media

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