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Combining Language and Semantic Web Technologies (Curso de temas avanzados)

Este curso consta de 11 lecciones en las que se presentarán conceptos básicos y aproximaciones técnicas a los siguientes temas:
(1) Ontology, An introduction
(2) Cross-Lingual approaches for Multilingual Ontology Labels
(3) Ontology Population and Generation from text and data
(4) Standardisation of Language Resources in Ontologies: the W3C Community Group “Ontolex”
(5) The Development of the Linguistic Linked Data Cloud: The LIDER project
(6) Modeling distinct types of factuality and (mis)information in the Pheme project
(7) eLexicogtraphy in the Linked Open Data: The ENeL project
(8) Ontology-based User Modelling and Recommendation
(9) The Spanish resources of the TrendMiner Project
(10) A Linked Data approach for describing emotions and sentiments (Eurosentiment project)
(11) Lattice-Based conceptualization (DIMH Project)

Las primeras 7 lecciones serán impartidas por el profesor Thierry Declerck, Language Technology Lab of DFKI GmbH and University of Saarland y las 4 últimas (de 30m) son una presentación breve de temas actuales de investigación relacionados, impartidas por los profesores de universidad Iván Cantador (UAM), Paloma Martínez (UC3M), Carlos A. Iglesias (UPM) y Ana García Serrano (UNED).

La presentación será en Español, aunque la documentación estará en Inglés.
Se ha organizado principalmente para los estudiantes del(1) Máster Universitario en Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, (2) Máster Universitario en I.A. Avanzada: Fundamentos, Métodos y Aplicaciones y (3) Doctorado en Sistemas Inteligentes. ETSI Informática. Todos ellos impartidos en la UNED.
La coordinadora del curso es la profesora Ana García Serrano de la ETSI Informática (UNED).

Short BIO: Thierry Declerck ( is a senior research scientist employed for the time being both at the Language Technology Lab of DFKI GmbH, since June 1996, and at the “Fachbereich” 4.7 of the University of Saarland (Computational linguistics & Phonetics).
At the University of Saarland (USAAR) he is responsible for the contributions to the FP7 project PHEME (, to finish end of 2016. In the past (2002-2005) he was leading for USAAR the two European Projects Esperonto and INTERA, dealing respectively with the relation between language technologies and the Semantic Web and with infrastructures for Language Resources. As a member of DFKI, he was until recently coordinator of the FP7 project TrendMiner ( that has been very successfully evaluated at its final review on the 27th of November 2014.
He is now contributing to the DFKI part of the FP7 LIDER project ( and was leading until February 2013 the DFKI contribution to the European Project MONNET. Before this he was in charge of the DFKI contribution to the Integrated Project MUSING, which finished in April 2010, and till March 2009 he was involved as well in the European Network of Excellence "K-Space" (Knowledge Space of semantic inference for automatic annotation and retrieval of multimedia content). In the field of standardization of language resources, Thierry Declerck was involved in the eContent "Lirics" (Linguistic Infrastructure for Interoperable Resources and Systems) project and was leading the MUMIS project on the Indexing and Search of Multimedia data. Starting in Mai 2004, he was conducting the DFKI contribution of the eTen WINS project, which had duration of 18 months. Thierry Declerck is also actively involved in ISO TC37/SC4/ (on language resources management) and now contributes to the standardization activities of the W3C consortium (the Ontolex Community Group).