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5.3d.- The role of the Prophet Muhammad and astrologist Albumasar in the context of the iconographic theme of Disputation over the Immaculate Conception
Material Culture of Islam in Europe [Islam]
3.3.- Enemies in the East Mediterranean. Turks in the Spanish Eyes
4.2.- Colonial Exhibition in Amsterdam for the Exiled Queen Mother of France (1638).
5.2c.- The representation of ear daggers in painting (15th-16th centuries)
6.4b.- Ottoman arms and armor in Habsburg’s courtly festivities
3.1.- Captives, slaves and converts in the Mediterranean Basin
Hergé y Tintín. El autor y su obra
El fuego secreto
Los Saberes Ocultos en el Arte Contemporáneo
Cierre del curso
La obra neoplástica de Mondrian y la teosofía