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La pira: teatro de urgencia para realidades pandémicas
XXXIII Seminario Internacional del SELITEN@T
Cómo crear teatro en tiempos de confinamiento: 1km de Maribel Bayona y Jerónimo Cornelles
La catarsis del yo en la dramaturgia COVID y POSTCOVID. Análisis de casos
Introducción a Didáctica de la comunicación escrita en Lengua Inglesa. Versión en español
Didáctica de la comunicación escrita en Lengua Inglesa
Unit 2. The teaching and learning of literacy skills (part I)
Unit 2. The teaching and learning of literacy skills (part II)
Unit 1. The written language
Unit 3. The use of literature as a didactic strategy in the teaching and learning process of English written production skills and its application in the classroom (part II)
Unit 3. The use of literature as a didactic strategy in the teaching and learning process of English written production skills and its application in the classroom (part I)
XI Certamen GastroUNED
Club de Lectura