The production cycle of marmor in the Iberian peninsula since Antiquity (I): Terminology, symbology and sources

“The production cycle of marmor” is a documentary TV serie that analyze all activities involved in the production cycle of ornamental rocks throughout History: from the quarry to the marble objets last reuses. The first episode deals about sources and scientific disciplines involved in the study or marble (Geology, Archaeology, History, Antrhopology...) and how decorative rocks –marmora- has been linked since Classical Antiquity to values of wealth, prestige and political legitimacy.

DIRECTED BY: Virginia García-Entero
SCRIPT: Virginia García-Entero and Irene Mañas Romero
FILMMAKER: Vicente I. Sánchez
INTERVIEWED: Virginia García-Entero; Javier Martínez Martínez; Isabel Rodà de Llanza; Alba Alonso Mora; Antonio Antolinos.

Virginia García-Entero profesora del Departamento Prehistoria y Arqueología, UNED

Javier Martínez Martínez científico IGME-CSIC, Instituto Geológico y Minero

Isabel Rodà de Llanza catedrática emérita de Arqueología UAB. Investigadora del ICAC

Alba Alonso Mora historiadora especialista en Historia Moderna

Antonio Antolinos cantero de Macael (Almería)

Vicente I. Sánchez, realización

Virginia García-Entero, dirección y guion

Irene Mañas Romero, guion

Clara Gómez Sánchez, locución

Juan Ramón Andrés Cabero, locución

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